In November, Joe Biden is extending an invitation to Xi to visit San Francisco during the United States’ summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, a gathering that involves China as well.

Camp David, United States: On Friday, President Joe Biden mentioned that he anticipates a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping later this year, even though there have been some differences between the two nations.

In November 2022, during his initial term as president, Biden had his first encounter with Xi in Bali. They both agreed to collaborate on easing the intense tensions between the two biggest economies globally.

After a meeting with the leaders of Japan and South Korea, Biden responded to a shouted question by saying, “I’m looking forward to building upon our discussion in Bali later this autumn—that’s my plan and hope.”

Biden is extending an invitation to Xi for November in San Francisco during the United States’ gathering of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, which China is also a part of.

There’s also a chance that the two leaders might have a meeting next month in New Delhi, coinciding with a summit of the Group of 20 major economies.

Biden’s assurance during a conversation with Xi, whom he knew well during their time as vice presidents, remains steadfast despite a sequence of remarks and activities that have stirred unease in China.

As he enters election season and focuses on the health of the US economy, Biden stated earlier this month that China’s economic challenges made it a “pressing concern.”

In June, Biden referred to Xi as an “authoritarian leader,” a statement that drew criticism from China. This happened shortly after Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Beijing, marking the highest-ranking US official visit to China in nearly five years.

Biden has taken measures to limit US investments in critical high-tech sectors within China, following his previous decision to block the export of advanced microchips.

China has criticized these actions, claiming they go against the principles of free trade. In response, the Biden administration has stated that its intention is to uphold US security.

China has raised objections to the trilateral summit involving Biden, as well as the leaders of South Korea and Japan. This summit represents a significant stride towards mending relations between the two American allies, who have grappled with disagreements spanning decades, particularly centered around historical issues from the wartime era.

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